Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Last Weekend!!!

So, hadn't been out in ages but couldn't miss my friend James' birthday drinks as he would never forgive me!! Ended up in Dicey's, bit of a laugh had there, saw tv's Jonathan Ross in Krystle, then went for food and managed to pick up a random traffic cone on the way!!

I wasn't drinking as I was driving, but I have to admit that it was the funniest journey home ever!! Between being followed by the guards, having a rather large traffic cone in the car and then the lads having their legs out the window! Brilliant!!!

So, that was Friday night!! Saturday night I stayed in as I was puppy minding! My 7 year old nephew got a little puppy for his birthday last week and it's just gone 8 weeks old. I have to admit that I didn't wanna hand it back the following day! The puppy, Leo, is so cute and it was so funny that my own dog Ellie, who is 5 years old, turned out to be afraid on an 8 week old puppy!!

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